Tag Archives: populism

German Euroskeptic Party Attracts Right Wing

Since its launch in April, euroskeptic party Alternative for Germany has been accused of peddling right-wing sentiments. A new study establishes the party’s centrist status, but shows that it still attracts right-wing populist attention. As founder of the country’s euroskeptic party, Bernd Lucke is among the most controversial figures in Germany. His political agenda — […]

Populism in Central Europe – challenge for the future

Populism is a complex challenge to our democratic political systems, even more so in times of crisis. The contributions from experts on this topic from six Central and Eastern European countries are now available to download, the result of a GEF seminar on this topic organised last October with the support of the Heinrich Böll […]

Austria’s far-right heartland has a change of heart

Four years after his death, the spirit of Jörg Haider, who hatched a brand of rightwing populism that has been copied across Europe, has finally been laid to rest. In his former powerbase in Carinthia, the far-right suffered a serious setback in the regional election on 3 March, polling only 17% of the vote compared […]

Petra Burzova:Towards a new past: Some reflections on nationalism in post-socialist Slovakia

By analysing two commemorative events organized shortly before and after the 2010 parliamentary elections in Slovakia, this article demonstrates how the Prime Minister Robert Fico and his collaborators exploited these ceremonies to promote a more inclusive definition of political community than their right-wing counterparts. Although commentators have interpreted the continuous political success of the political […]

Michael Stewart: ‘The Gypsy Menace’

Stewart, Michael. ‘The Gypsy Menace’; Populism and the New Anti-Gypsy Politics. London: Hurst & Company, 2012. Across Europe, Roma and Gypsies are suffering increasing intolerance and hostility. A new populist politics, that seeks political meaning in collective experiences and values forms of solidarity rooted in town, class, community or nation, finds in the Roma a suitable […]