Tag Archives: xenophobia

Migrants in South Africa battle rising persecution

The video that emerged on YouTube last weekend of a Somali man lying flat in a Port Elizabeth street has shocked many South Africans out of a general complacence over the rising incidence of violence against foreigners in the country. The 25-year-old man, Abdi Nasir Mahmoud Good, died of his injuries. Good is just one […]

‘Germany Fooling Itself in Battle against Neo-Nazis’

The series of racist murders perpetrated by the neo-Nazi terror trio National Socialist Underground represents a massive failure on the part of German law enforcement officials. But as the trial starts on Monday, editorialists say that German society is also to blame. It is difficult to overstate the importance of the trial that begins on […]

‘Like 1930s Germany’: Greek Far Right Gains Ground

Right-wing thugs have been spreading fear and terror in Greece for months. The worse the financial crisis gets and the harsher the budget cuts imposed by European creditors are, the worse the terror gets on the streets. Foreigners have been attacked, homosexuals chased and leftists assaulted. Some were beaten to death. There are parts of […]

Analysis: Under the skin of Britain’s neo-nationalists

In the aftermath of the English Defence League (EDL) rally in Manchester last Saturday, it is worth taking stock of how such an organisation has gained support, what it truly stands for and how it should be perceived within the spectrum of Europe’s far right. It should not simply be dismissed as a racist or […]

Michael Stewart: ‘The Gypsy Menace’

Stewart, Michael. ‘The Gypsy Menace’; Populism and the New Anti-Gypsy Politics. London: Hurst & Company, 2012. Across Europe, Roma and Gypsies are suffering increasing intolerance and hostility. A new populist politics, that seeks political meaning in collective experiences and values forms of solidarity rooted in town, class, community or nation, finds in the Roma a suitable […]